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The Playboy Billionaire (The Romero Brothers, Book 3) Page 6
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Page 6
“You will have all the information you need in good time.”
She gushed. “I understand.” Her lips felt dry again and she nervously ran her tongue over her top lip.
“Can I get you a drink, Miss Monroe?”
“No, thank you.” I’m just having difficulty thinking right now.
“You seemed to be very talkative when you worked at Channel 31 News.”
“Oh. I’m just a little…”
“No. Trying to make sense of things. We have only two more months to put this entire film project together and it doesn’t leave us much time really. There’s editing and mixing to do during production once I’ve got all the raw footage filmed.”
“I know that.” He paused for a moment and opened his sweet lips as if he were going to add something else but decided against it.
She had already spoken to him about what she had completed so far and he seemed pleased. A bonus in her books.
“Earlier, you were asking about some statistics on the wine business,” he said, seemingly changing the subject.
“Oh, yes. I was impressed with the numbers.” She reached into her binder and pulled out some sheets of paper. “It says here that the Canadian Wine and Grape Industry contributes $6.8 billion in economic impact to the Canadian economy alone. That’s…very impressive!”
“Yes. We do our part.” He was sounding modest, but also unimpressed. Why? Did money mean nothing to this man who had an abundance of everything possible—including good genes?
“The wine industry is responsible for creating more than 31,000 jobs,” Zack continued, holding her gaze. “We provide employment in manufacturing, agriculture, tourism, research, retail and even medicine.”
“Medicine?” she queried, incredulously. Blue had never thought about winery and medicine mixing. She was learning something new. She loved learning new things every day in her line of work.
It pleased Blue that she was beginning to feel more relaxed and more comfortable around Zack again. She knew why. They remained focused on work again. Only work.
Once she stayed focused on only work—and only work, she was not focused on how hard and long Zack’s erection could possibly be. And she was not imagining Zack in all his glorious nakedness. Blue saw pictures of him online in nothing but swim trunks after paparazzi had captured images of him swimming at the beach. She had to focus, after all. She had debts from her parents’ untimely deaths to settle. She had a sister’s college tuition to pay in the fall. She had to survive for her sister and her own sake.
“Yes, we turn surplus grapes into surgical spirits.”
“Surgical spirits?” Blue repeated, scribbling her notes in long hand.
“Yes. We send our surplus grapes to distilleries to be turned into surgical spirits and industrial alcohol used in detergents and medicines.”
“Awesome! I really don’t think the general public knows this.”
“You can get the quote on video later when I am interviewed at the end.”
“So, will you continue to teach at the college?”
“Well, I’m a guest lecturer for this semester. I’ll have to see how it goes.”
“How do you like it so far?”
“I enjoy sharing whatever knowledge I have with eager minds that have a thirst for knowledge.”
“Nice,” she said, writing ferociously on her notepad while Zack continued to survey her. Aware that she was holding her breath, she inhaled deeply.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m good. I think I have enough to go on for now. I’ll work with Venus again and interview her and the other workers throughout the week for the next segment of the documentary.”
“Um. Do you have any questions or requests?” Blue asked her boss.
“Oh?” she asked, breathless. She was caught by surprise because she really hadn’t expected him to ask her anything else. Her heart pounded hard and fast in her chest.
“Have dinner with me, tonight?”
Zack’s invitation slid off his sexy tongue like melted caramel. His voice was low, silky and deep. The reaction sent shivers of delight running through her belly. Her inner thighs tingled deliciously. Oh, no.
Blue felt her breath stop. She could not answer him. She wanted to. So he wasn’t rejecting her after all. He just wanted to make it official. But have dinner with him…tonight?
“I…I can’t,” Blue whispered, breathless. Finally, she managed to squeeze a vocal sound through her nerve-constricted throat. What was she saying?
Sexy, sizzling, affluent bachelor, Zack Romero—her boss, just asked her to dinner. Tonight! And she said no. She said no. Was she out of her mind? But she could not stop herself. She just wasn’t prepared. She couldn’t. After that kiss, she wanted to do more with him. But she couldn’t. Not tonight.
“No?” he echoed, seductively. A salacious grin touched the corner of Zack’s sexy-as-sin lips as he leaned forward in his chair. His brow raised a fraction. It was as if he were amused that someone had declined to dine with him.
“Um…well. I mean…”
His silence, waiting for her to finish her sentence, was overwhelming. Blue perspired in her seat. Her mind was all scrambled. She knew she just couldn’t drop everything she had to do tonight to go out with him. To have dinner with him.
It’s only dinner, Blue. He wants to have a meal with you. Not have you for his meal.
Blue really didn’t want to get into her personal life. She didn’t want to tell him the real reason she wasn’t free to just do as she pleased right now. But she didn’t want to come off as rude either. Should she tell him?
* * *
The woman actually said no? Her response to his question rendered Zack off guard. Sweet. Despite that tasty kiss a while ago, the woman was not easy!
That was a good sign. And it took a minute for him to remember that he was to stay clear of sexual relations for at least another day. Which was also good. But he still had another day of abstinence to go. He groaned inwardly at the thought.
Zack leaned back in his soft leather chair and slid his gaze down this woman’s opulent facial features. How intriguing. A woman telling him no was not something he heard, often. Or ever in his recent years. His eyes surveyed Blue Monroe as she sat in her seat across from his desk, practically squirming as if she were his prey. Why did she react that way with him?
She possessed the most delicate, dainty features he’d seen on a woman. Her sweet, fully defined lips looked as red as ripe strawberries and tasted as sweet as the grapes that made the wine in his winery.
But oh, Zack would love to taste much more than just those sexy lips of hers. He wanted to taste all of her. This woman was causing a strangely delicious reaction in his body that was stronger than he had ever had with a woman.
Her caramel skin was enticing to his eyes. The contrast with her beautiful, silky, black hair that had a healthy shine to it brought a warm feeling inside him. My God, this woman was pleasing to his eyes—and he was sure to any man who became captivated by her beauty. Did Blue even know this? Judging by her awkward demeanor, she sure didn’t act as if she was a god-gifted beauty. There she was, so educated and talented and yet she never displayed a grain of vanity.
A surge of heat raced through him. He really wanted to hear the reason why she couldn’t or wouldn’t have dinner with him.
Suddenly the deal he’d made with his grandfather to give up sex for a month had proven to be a learning curve and at the same time major inconvenience—a pain in the butt. He loved to romance and seduce a beautiful, strong woman. He took significant pleasure in pleasing his ladies. And this one before him was stunning. So fascinating that it almost stole his breath away.
Damn that deal he’d made with this grandfather!
By now he would have whisked Miss Monroe off to his waterfront condo in the city for a night of unforgettable passion. The thoug
ht irked him that the past few weeks he had to disallow himself to get close to her. And now? Christ, she was rejecting him!
“I trust that you have plans tonight, then?” he asked out of curiosity.
“Um. Well, no. I mean, yes.”
He cocked a brow. Was she playing games with him? She certainly seemed as if she wanted him while they were kissing. He could tell these things with women. He loved the chase but he wasn’t sure where this Miss Monroe was coming from.
“Well. Is it no, or is it yes?”
“Well,” Blue breathed deeply. “I…I’ve already made plans.” She seemed uncomfortable with his silence but he should probably cut her a break from his humor. She had a right to not want dinner with him. He was only pulling her leg. Oh, he would love to do more though.
“I have a younger sister. We live together. Alone. She’s my responsibility.”
“Oh?” Zack wanted to hear more. The woman was more intriguing every moment he spent with her.
“Yes. This is her last day of summer school. We always discuss her day at school and I don’t want to bail out on her tonight.”
“I see. That’s very noble of you, Miss Monroe. You’re a wonderful big sister. One that every sibling should have.”
The woman appeared embarrassed and he could see her cheeks turning rouge. “Well, I’m just doing what’s right.” Blue turning him down for a dinner date after their passionate kiss spoke volumes about her character. He loved that she as not an easy woman. And he delighted more in the fact that she had integrity and she had her priorities straight.
“What about your parents? You never mentioned them.”
She looked down. He wondered why the hell he was prying into her personal life. For God’s sake, she was his employee. Nothing more. She could be nothing more. Yet, something about her was too compelling for him to pass up the chance.
Was his grandfather right about him? Was he too controlled by the addictive sexual magic of having a beautiful woman in his arms and underneath him in bed?
But this one seemed oddly, different.
He was more than interested in having Miss Monroe in his bed. He wanted to get inside her mind. Her soul. He wanted to know everything about this woman. And he didn’t know why. What had gotten into him all of a sudden? This wasn’t usually his style. He cared deeply for people. But when it came to attraction, he had often had only one thing on his mind. But not now. He felt, oddly, drawn to Miss Monroe.
“They’re no longer around,” she said softly, her eyes filled with sorrow.
“I’m truly sorry, Miss Monroe.” His gut twisted inside. He could see pain flash in those beautiful dark brown eyes of hers. The large chocolate eyes framed by adorable black curled lashes.
Call it the Romero bloodline in him. The fact that his name meant protector but he wanted to comfort her. He sensed there was a whole lot more to her parents being just "no longer around."
“It’s okay. It was…a couple years ago.”
“Was it an accident?”
She pressed her lips together firmly and shifted in her seat before answering him. “I don’t know.”
His brows drew together. “What do you mean, you don’t know?”
“The police said it was accidental. But the original fire marshal report suspected arson.”
“So you think someone may have tried to kill your parents? Why?”
“I…I don’t know. I really don’t want to get too much into it right now. I…”
“I’m sorry to probe. I was concerned.”
“Oh, no. Please. I’m glad you asked. I mean, thank you for your concern. I…I’d better go now.”
He nodded politely and in a gentlemanly fashion rose as she, too, got up from her seat.
Blue drove down the main road heading into the city, still breathing hard. Her mind was reeling with delight from the passionate kiss with Zack, the electric sensation dancing through her body. She could not believe what had just transpired.
Zack Romero. The notorious playboy with a hard-ass body.
Have mercy, Lord. This man is simply exquisite in every way. Unforgettable. That’s what this day will be. Unforgettable.
She pressed her right foot on the gas, glancing at the display clock on her dashboard of her Ford. She also caught the fuel gauge and realized she should have filled up her tank before leaving Mayberry Hill. But it would only be another thirty-five minutes before she would be back in the city. She could refuel at the station near her apartment. The sky was turning a musk color as the late afternoon turned to early evening. Her cell phone buzzed and she instinctively reached for it on her seat. She often placed it by her seat when she was driving so she could see the display in case it was a call from her sister. Whenever she left the phone in her purse while driving, she would let it ring so that she didn't end up taking her eyes off the road to fish for it.
Of course, she could just learn to use her Bluetooth, which would solve all matters.
The caller was an unknown number. Again. She carefully kept her eyes on the road while reaching over and grabbing the phone then hitting the answer button and speaker option.
“Hello?” she answered but the caller hung up.
It had happened quite a few times in the past week alone. She wondered if it was a wrong number and the person on the other end of the line realized it then dialled the intended number.
Blue shrugged then replaced the phone on the passenger seat. There were very few cars on this stretch of road going into the city. It wasn’t a very busy road considering. But she didn’t mind being able to drive to the limit with little traffic on the road. The window of her Ford was cracked open and the breeze from the speed of the vehicle whisked her hair and cooled her skin. The air conditioner wasn’t working so she was glad to have the gentle breeze from outside.
She enjoyed clear summer days. Blue relished in the thought of no cares for a change. She guessed the magic of excitement did that to a person. Inner excitement over having this wonderful opportunity to work with her new boss—or client, however she looked at it. This was her first major assignment since starting her fledgling production company.
Zack Romero.
“God, you’re incredible, Zack,” she said to herself, grinning from ear to ear.
Blue's mind drifted back to his alluring face and delicious appeal. Oh, if only she could be with a man like that. She knew that was farfetched. He clearly was a bachelor for life. She’d read about him beforehand. He had given interviews a while back about not being a marrying man. Not that she could possibly have a chance with him.
But, oh, he kissed her. It was as if a part of him stayed with her. The soft tingle of his lips on hers was pleasantly memorable. Zack Romero had kissed her.
Zack had a compelling presence. Mesmerizing. He had that special something about him. Blue couldn’t quite put her finger on it. But it wasn’t often she met a man who had that raw electrical effect on her. When he shook her hand earlier in the day, there was a surge of power that coursed through her veins. The man oozed charisma from every pore of his body. His hands were strong yet smooth. His eyes, so captivating. She had a chance to finally be up close with him and her body reacted in such a surprising way. Her mind turned to scrambled eggs for one thing. All she could do was gush uncontrollably at his masculine sexiness, his delicious scent, his gorgeous features and strong, tall athletic body.
He was like something out of a magazine, a Hollywood blockbuster action film or something, but not real life. Yet the feelings that pulsed through her body being with him, so close to touch, were mind-blowing. He made her feel giddy with lust all of a sudden.
Blue’s crazy ex-boyfriend, Elliot, her former colleague at Channel 31 News, never had that kind of effect on her. There was never any spark, one she’d always read about, with Elliot. She really liked him then. Sure, he was a fair kisser and she enjoyed being around him when they’d first started dating, until she realized that h
e was a real actor, not a journalist. The guy turned out to be a creep, an emotionally abusive, jealous dude who didn’t want her to have any friends. He’d always criticized her weight and told her to lose her "baby fat" and she’d be fine. Her friends at the station warned her that he was seeing other people and she never believed it until she saw it with her own eyes. She’d caught him necking a fellow co-worker in the lunchroom after hours when most people had left the office.
When she tried to end it with him, he turned all crazy on her. Kept calling her and hanging up, telling her co-workers all sorts of crazy lies.
Blue shuddered at the thought. The past was the past. It was dead and gone. Why bring up a dead memory to haunt the present?
Blue was so past that. She had learned to move on earlier. A bit of Yoga and positive thinking exercises really helped pulled her through it all. Of course, the last draw was the cell phone recorder fiasco that cost her a job at the station but now she realized it was a blessing in sweet disguise. She’d never been happier to be her own boss, however challenging it was at times.
Blue remembered reading somewhere in one of her self-help books about when you keep on the positive side of things, you realize nothing happens to you, it happens for you. She wanted to believe that the universe would be good to her. She’d been through so much painful hell, it was insane. Losing her parents still caused her heart to ache as if someone had taken a knife to her and left it impaled in her chest.
Think positive, Blue.
She gazed at the cars speeding past her on the road, the trees whizzing by as she drove 80 km per hour in this zone.
Count your blessings, not your troubles, she reminded herself.
She was blessed to have sought gainful employment in this tough economy. That was a miracle. And this project would be the best thing to boost her business upward, not to mention the credibility it would lend to her business as word got around of her documentary on one of the most prominent families and businesses in the province.